
Colorado Mountain College Campus Areial view.


Give your career a boost or even start your four-year degree in accounting and business with the Accounting Program at CMC CMC is one of the top accounting schools in Colorado, and our accounting degree program offers you the opportunity to develop a mixture of basic communication and mathematics skills, technical accounting and computer skills, and basic business skills necessary to success in a business world that increasingly relies on information processing communication. The accounting Read more…

Girl holding a piggy bank.

Raising Future Millionaires: 7 Practices to Empower Your Kids’ Financial Journey

7 Practices to Empower Your Kids’ Financial Journey Hey, future champions of wealth-building! Ready to ignite the spark of financial empowerment in your kids? Let’s unveil the treasure map for raising future millionaires. Remember those dreams of securing a brighter future? Today, we’re empowering you to guide your kids on a path paved with possibilities. First, teach them the power of saving and how interest can work to grow their nest egg to new heights. Read more…

Five Reasons Why You’re Over drafting Your Bank Account

Hey there, financial champions! Let’s shine a light on a common challenge: reasons why you’re over drafting your bank account. Remember wanting to rise above? Well, here’s your chance to soar by conquering these financial hurdles. Five reasons, five opportunities to transform your money game. First, let’s talk unplanned spending. Are impulse buys hijacking your dreams? Pause and ask: Is this purchase a true necessity or just a fleeting desire? You’ve got the wisdom to Read more…

Healthy eating on a budget.

Tips for Healthy Eating on a Budget

Greetings, health-conscious warriors! Let’s delve into the world of maintaining a healthy diet without breaking the bank. Remember those aspirations for wellness? Well, here are some tips for healthy eating on a budget. Today, we’re enhancing your journey with positivity and empowerment because eating well doesn’t have to mean emptying your wallet – it’s about making choices that nourish both body and bank account. Firstly, harness the power of planning. Envision crafting your meals like Read more…

Calander with pay day written on it.

Did you know, 51% of Six-Figure Earners Live Paycheck to Paycheck?

Hey there, champions of financial independence! Brace yourself for a jaw-dropping revelation: a whopping 51% of those raking in six figures are dancing to the paycheck-to-paycheck tune. Remember those aspirations of financial abundance? Now’s your moment to shine, to rise above the staggering statistics and script your own success story. It’s true – the income game doesn’t guarantee immunity from financial struggles. But hold on tight; you’re not just a statistic. Ask yourself: Are you Read more…

7 Ways to Save Money on Food Expenses

Listen up, savvy savers, because you’re about to conquer the food expense puzzle with a pocketful of brilliance. Remember wanting to outshine the past? Well, here’s your moment to shine bright by slashing those food bills. Seven steps, each a gem in your money-saving crown. First, reign in the power of meal prepping. It’s not just about cooking; it’s about crafting your budget. Know what’s on your plate, and you’re on track. Leftovers, my friend, Read more…

Traditional IRA vs. Roth IRA: Crafting Your Path to Financial Freedom

Let’s talk about the journey to securing your financial future with two awesome options: Traditional IRA and Roth IRA. You’re at the helm, steering your course toward a brighter tomorrow. Remember those conversations at the dinner table, when you dreamt of doing better than your parents? Well, here’s your chance to turn that dream into a reality. Traditional IRA, like a trusted companion, lets you reduce your taxes today. It’s like planting seeds in fertile Read more…

What if spending money didn’t feel bad?

What if you could spend money without feeling guilty and shameful afterwards? What if it felt joyful to spend money on purchases and you didn’t feel like crap afterwards? (Ready to learn how? Click the link in the comments to book a free call to learn more about my 1:1 coaching program.) What would you do differently? How would you show up? What kind of results would you be creating in your life and your Read more…